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Truelove and Responsibility: Pre- Marital Sex

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pre- Marital Sex

We will find it on the bible that Sex outside marriage is considered as pornography. It is a sin. Sin is Sin.Like it or not, premarital sex = SIN. According to St. Paul to his letter to the Corinthians, The sexually immoral do not inherit the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9, 10; Eph. 5:5-7)!

• Adultery is wrong — Exodus 20:14

• Sex with a prostitute is wrong — 1 Corinthians 6:15-17

Sex is designed for only one kind of committed relationship: holy matrimony. When a husband and a wife have sexual intercourse, something happens to the two of them, something that changes them at the deepest level. A man and a woman are bound together body and soul. And this bond is never supposed to be separated. (Can you see why divorce is so devastating?)

In other words, sex isn't just physical, and it's not a trivial act that feels good for a few seconds and then is over for good. Sex involves a couple's body, mind and emotions in an activity that is intended to continue for a lifetime.

Sex is the smallest word that causes the most problem. And if you don't believe it look up the statistics of children born to single mothers in the world, and oh wait what about abortion? Truth is we are making a nation of sex crazed retards who seek only sex anywhere they can find it, and they don't care who they harm, who's reputation they destroy, or who's character they diminish...This is sex. This is often time use for comfort by men most especially if they were vulnerable, or sad. When they found a woman who looks mighty tasty then even his head is screaming at him to stop, Yet, he is beyond hearing at that point. He's sad and want to feel better and he will spend the night with the woman even he doesn't like ... and regret it in the morning.. And God forbid what if she gets pregnant (and this is where he start praying isn't it?)

Premarital sex, for sure, has more commitment that prostitution. But it can be an even bigger deception. The two can think they are really giving themselves to each other, but inevitably they are holding something back. The very setup implies less than complete commitment and typically they are keeping from each other the gift of fertility. He has a fear he might make her a mom and even worse, himself a dad! Not ready for that yet.

I am convinced that most girls do prize [virginity], they face many and great temptations to give it away. Some do not want to be considered "odd." Others want the feeling now. Many think they can use sex to get love. Many give in to their boyfriend's pleas because they do not want to lose his "love." When we mix sex and love, we confuse the concepts of giving and taking. Personal selfish reasons cause premarital sex to take, but sometimes the taking may be confused as giving. If sex signifies the "love" then what happen to her/his prrevious relationships? Then if she/he did, how do you know if she/he really loves you?

But have you ( girls) ever think why man should buy a cow when he can get a milk for free? Ridiculous isn't it? Women never think that guys are just using them to fulfill his physical lust or maybe both.

Regret After Pre-Marital Sex?

According to psychologists: One of the most painful, and yet overlooked aspects of sex outside marriage is emotional scars. What might start as fun, exciting and romantic can end in a lifetime of painful memories.Premarital sex always causes scars! … The scars will have an effect on you years later. In the passion of the moment, you do not think about the implications and consequences which reach far beyond that moment. You do not want to think about the consequences… Sexual relationships many years later, with the husband and with the wife you love so dearly, are going to be affected by the illicit and immoral sexual activity which took place before you were married.

When sexual desires are aroused, sometimes even the flimsiest arguments can push all this reasoning to one side. " About finding out if we are compatible" ? Generations of human experience assures that (to be blunt) it will fit. But more to the point is that we are not a piece of merchandise that needs to be tested. Part of the self giving proper to marriage is the freedom and the humility to learn in that area.According to Pope John Paul II, Love and Responsibility.

Romance may not rule or dominate (Gen. 29:31, 35); romantic love does not make any thing legitimate

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